When we buy a product, we assume that it is safe when used as directed. Every year, however, people are injured by using products that are defective. Their lives are changed, and the cost of medical care puts them in a difficult financial situation. Tracey Fox King & Walters helps victims of defective products recover financial compensation.
Big companies that manufacture defective products can afford to hire high-priced lawyers to protect them. Insurance companies aren’t your side, either. They know there’s a lot of money at stake and they want to protect their profits. That’s why you need an experienced personal injury lawyer who will fight for your rights.
Any product that is defective can lead to injury. Some examples include:
- Children’s toys
- Cribs
- Window blinds
- Power tools
- Furniture
- Appliances
- Cars and trucks
- Car parts
Defective products can cause harm in many ways. Faulty wiring can result in electrocution or burns. A product may pose a choking or strangling hazard for children. A part can come loose during the operation of a product, resulting in physical injury.
Call the Texas personal injury law firm with a record of results
You may be left in need of surgery, hospitalization, medication, physical therapy, home health care and multiple follow-up visits with doctors. Recovery can take months or years. Some people are left with a permanent disability. Medical expenses can become overwhelming and there may be less income coming in if you can’t work.
In product liability cases, manufacturers may have been negligent in one or more ways. There may have been a manufacturing error that made the product defective. The product may have been designed with a defect that put users in danger. Or the manufacturer may have failed to include adequate warnings or instructions regarding the danger of the product.
Our legal team investigates to find out how your accident happened. We know where to look for evidence that the manufacturer was negligent. Our lawyers take legal action to seek access to company records and internal documents regarding the design and manufacture of the product. We identify and interview witnesses. If needed, we consult experts.
In many defective product cases, more than one person has the same injury caused by the same product. As a result, these injury victims often decide to combine their legal cases against the company into one, large, single case, called a mass tort case. Our experienced attorneys have worked on many of these cases throughout the country.
Call today to schedule your free consultation with a Texas personal injury lawyer
We also identify all negligent parties responsible for allowing the defective product to reach consumers. These parties may include the manufacturer, as well as any companies involved in distributing, marketing or selling the product.
We fight to hold companies accountable for the injuries their products have caused. Our firm demands compensation for the damages you have suffered. These include all medical expenses to treat your injury – both now and in the future. Other damages may include lost wages and pain and suffering.
Many defective product cases involve legal battles with large corporations. These companies often hire an entire team of attorneys to defend their actions (or inaction). Their goal is almost always the same – to try to deny legitimate claims like yours. Companies may try to avoid responsibility by denying doing anything wrong, insisting their defective product is safe, or claiming you used their product incorrectly.
They don’t intimidate us. We have taken on some of the world’s largest corporations and won big. Our lawyers have more than a century of combined legal experience and we have secured more than $1 billion for our clients throughout Texas.
Personal injury cases involving defective products can take time to resolve. We are focused on your needs and remain committed to getting the best results for our clients. We’re proud of the case results we have obtained for clients who needed our help and of the testimonials we have received from them.
Tracey Fox King & Walters is committed to helping clients who have been injured through no fault of their own recover the compensation they need and deserve. Whether it’s through a negotiated settlement or a jury verdict, our goal is to help you recover as much compensation as the law and the facts of your case allow.
If you or a loved one was injured by a defective product in Texas, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys. We have offices in Houston, San Antonio and Dallas. One of our attorneys can go over your legal options and answer any questions you have.